Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Clean and Dirty

Were today's poetry prompts!

Opening Day

Technicolor Green grass
wet, fresh dirt
Crayola brown
zig zag, light dark
mower pattern.
white light flashes
off bases and plate
players along the baselines
pinstriped trousers
sharply defined,
hats in hands
hands over chests.
washed blue sky
cold in the shadows
cold Shiner in a cup
warm sun
with relish and mustard
on a wrinkly ballpark dog
retiree with a score book
his pencil poised for the season.


Roll out of a space blanket
it’s night, but
there’s firelight all around?
Like a phoenix
it has risen,
jumped the lines again.
Pants once green
shirt once yellow
stiff as sore muscles
worn too many days,
black and grey as ghosts
hands ashen, palms sweated clean
like a vaudeville act.
No smell but smoke,
no vision but flames
laughing, feeding.
Eyes dull with fatigue,
we grab Pulaskis and shovels
and firing up the saws
rise again to send this
bastard back to hell.

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