Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rant & Roll

This rant started internally when my wife, my best friend, my partner, casually tossed out over the Sunday paper, “I think you should rethink voting for Kinky…” RETHINK it, she says! Man, oh man… She wants me to vote for Chris Whatshisnutz, the Democratic shill lookin’ to boost Rick Perry… If all you need for politics is money, good looks, and a willingness to lie, cheat, and steal, Perry is going to, in the immortal words of Moe Howard, “Moidah the bums.” I mean Chris is only sporting one of those three vital qualities, ya know? (By the way, he ain’t good looking and his wallet ain’t fat, if you catch my drift, and I think you do...)

I am afraid that the love of my life is bowing to the pressure of actually wanting to WIN. I believe she’s under the delusion that a Good Candidate running a Fair Campaign can WIN… Well, I’m here to tell y’all that it ain’t happenin’: Babe, I love ya more than anything or anyone, always have and always will, will be with ya for as long as you’ll have me, BUT - You're WRONG, honey, dead wrong...

Why? Because winning in politics doesn’t have anything to do with right and wrong, justice, The American Way, or the ideals and fervent wishes of Our Forefathers. And Chris Bell is no better than Perry frankly – A rose by any other name is still a rose, or in this case, a stinkbug politician. Winning in politics takes money, connections, a general suspension of morals and ethics, and the unabashed ability to prostitute yourself to not one, but many factions with whom you share little to naught. Rick Perry and Carol Keaton “Granma Shotgun” Strayhorn are perfect examples of the genre. The only reason that I would vote for anyone other than Kinky is if it were necessary to keep Strayhorn out of office. Perry is annoying, but he's also stupid and relatively harmless - Strayhorn is malignant - I have witnessed more sincerity from a squirrel than I have from these present and former politicians, and certainly more brains.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, in any way, shape, or form; that said, consider this: I believe that the last two presidential elections were rigged. I believe that the owners of the two companies that make most voting machines, who are hardcore right-wing Republican Power Brokers, are in the pocket of the RNC, or vice versa. I believe the Democrats won Florida and Ohio. I think that it can be said with little or no reservation that, among currently serving politicians in this country, a majority are little better than criminals, and are running this country as a criminal enterprise solely to the benefit of themselves and their companies, holdings, interests, pals and cohorts.

I will vote for Kinky because he is not a politician, and because he accurately reflects to me the outrage and frustration intelligent citizens feel toward American politics in this day and age. I would vote for him for that reason if no other. I don’t care how much he knows personally, although it is my impression that he is a good deal smarter than any of the other candidates: I trust that he will hire good people who know how to do what they’re called to do. I don’t care if he smokes cigars, farts, sweats, or occasionally fires off amazing malaprops – So do I, so does everyone I know. It’s called being human!

Only politicians are so obsessed with ludicrous attempts to appear pristine and fault free. Only politicians spend so much time and energy wiping the reality from their worlds in order to maintain their illusions. I am sick and tired of smoke and mirrors, bullshit apathy, false concern, imitation commiseration, faux sincerity, and ignorance wrapped in power. These assholes covered up a fucking pedophile in their midst, about who’s actions they were fully aware! They did it to cover their own asses, and to avoid tarnishing their half-assed façade of legitimacy! They speak of the invasionn of Iraq as if it was someone else’s fault! They completely screw the lower and middle classes as a matter of routine, and ask us to thank them when they’re done bending us over! The Chief Architect of the current political model has said, straight out, that his intention is to break the government, to bring it to it’s knees unable to rise again, so that it can be replaced with his preferred model, (And if you don’t know who that is or what it means, then I’m sorry, but you really need to wake the fuck up!) They screw the old, the young, women, any and all non-whites, and anybody else they feel like in the name of lining their pockets, and those of the corporations and companies they claim to be regulating. They crawl from corporate officer to politician, lobbyist to consultant, in a never ending incestuous train wreck. They are ugly, obscene, embarrassing, stupid, boorish, ignorant, oblivious, and absolutely beyond the pale.

I can’t think of anything more to say about politicians just now…

I am tired of being embarrassed by my government. They are akin to the stock market in 1929 - Prone to collapse because they no longer represent the things they were meant to represent - They reflect only themselves, and that is a particularly empty and soulless view. I am tired of tolerating rampant stupidity and dangerous arrogance. I don’t care what stripe in comes in, I’m not playing any more.

1 comment:

Sal Costello said...

Big Fat Looters List: Copy, Paste, Send to Others!

These politicians are the people who brought you the TRANS-TEXAS CORRIDOR AND TOLLS ON ROADS WE'VE ALREADY PAID FOR. (see

They voted to confiscate Texans' private property and give it to a foreign company for profit. (HB-3588)

Governor Rick Perry (R)

AG Commissioner Todd Staples (R), (Senate sponsor of Trans Texas Corridor bill)

TX Senators:

Dist 1 Kevin P. Eltife (R)

Dist 2 Bob Deuell (R)

Dist 5 Steve Ogden (R)

Dist 12 Jane Nelson (R)

Dist 15 John Whitmire (D)

Dist 17 Kyle Janek (R)

Dist 22 Kip Averitt (R) (Falls, McClennan, & Hill Co)

Dist 25 Jeff Wentworth (R)

Dist 29 Eliot Shapleigh (D)

Texas House of Representatives:

Dist 2 Dan Flynn (R)

Dist 4 Betty Brown (R)

Dist 7 Tommy Merritt (R)

Dist 8 Byron Cook (R)

Dist 15 Rob Eissler (R)

Dist 19 Mike Hamilton (R)

Dist 20 Dan Gattis (R) (Milam Co, northern Williamson Co)

Dist 24 Larry Taylor (R)

Dist 29 Glenda Dawson (R)

Dist 32 Gene Seaman (R)

Dist 45 Patrick M. Rose (D)

Dist 46 Dawnna Dukes (D)

Dist 50 Mark Strama (D)

Dist 52 Mike Krusee (R) (southern Williamson Co--author of TTC bill)

Dist 55 Dianne White Delisi (R) (Bell Co--co-author of TTC bill)

Dist 56 Charles "Doc" Anderson (R) (McClennan Co)

Dist 58 Rob Orr (R) (Bosque Co)

Dist 59 Sid Miller (R) (Coryell Co)

Dist 60 James L. "Jim" Keffer (R)

Dist 62 Larry Phillips (R)

Dist 64 Myra Crownover (R)

Dist 65 Burt Solomons (R)

Dist 69 David Farabee (D)

Dist 70 Ken Paxton (R)

Dist 81 G.E. "Buddy" West (R)

Dist 83 Delvin Jones (R)

Dist 84 Carl H. Isett (R)

Dist 86 John Smithee (R)

Dist 88 Warren Chisum (R)

Dist 89 Jodie Laubenberg (R)

Dist 96 Bill Zedler (R)

Dist 97 Anna Mowery (R)

Dist 98 Vicki Truitt (R)

Dist 99 Charlie Geren (R)

Dist 102 Tony Goolsby (R)

Dist 103 Rafael Anchia (D)

Dist 105 Linda Harper-Brown (R)

Dist 107 Bill Keffer (R)

Dist 108 Dan Branch (R)

Dist 112 Fred Hill (R)

Dist 113 Joe Driver (R)

Dist 114 Will Hartnett (R)

Dist 120 Ruth Jones McClendon (D)

Dist 121 Joe Straus (R)

Dist 122 Frank J. Corte Jr. (R)

Dist 123 Mike Villarreal (D)

Dist 127 Joe Crabb (R)

Dist 129 John E. Davis (R)

Dist 130 Corbin Van Arsdale (R)

Dist 132 Bill Callegari (R)

Dist 134 Martha Wong (R)

Dist 138 Dwayne Bohac (R)

Dist 144 Robert E. Talton (R)

Since these folks have worked so hard to give our land to the Spaniards, I feel they deserve a vacation. Let's send them home.