Funny thing;
I swear that quote was uttered by a highly notable American author, but I can't recall who and the fact is, if you Google that quote, what you get is a pantload of folks who are writers, usually talking about how to write, and using the phrase as if it were their own...
Anyway, it is a good idea - Writing is like the classic Steve Martin shtick; "Always keep a litter bag in your car; it doesn't take up much room, and if it ever gets full, you can just throw it out the window..."
Ar, ar, ar!
Well, S'Truth - If you don't like it in this day and age and media, just leave it alone after you write it; chances are good, your fucking computer will crash and you won't have to worry about that mother anyway.
So, I really have tried to lay off, but recently, in response to an email wherein I had stated that American politics was shot and that I was moving to Canada, somebody accused me of political pessimism of all things, and here was my response:
Oh, of course i am being flippant, to a degree - I ain't goin' anywhere - But read and listen to what they say and do, and how people respond, and tell me how you draw anything other than massive stupidity and ambivalence out of it? Remember, my dear, I am fairly intelligent and a student of history, including US political history; I know a shitload more about this stuff than 90% of the people you meet...
I am truly and totally tired of American politics and I believe, from the heart, that the system is broken and will not be mended without radical changes. I know not where or how such a thing might happen, but it will take that kind of phenomenon to repair the ills.
If I sound dark and dire, it is because things are extremely dark and dire right now - There has never been a worse time in modern history - The head of the UN, Bishop Tutu, and I all believe this to be true - Not nice, but fact...
Here are more facts:
The Republican party is run by the part bosses and architects, just like it was pretty much through the 70's. Carl Rove and Grover Norquist: Have you ever read anything by either man? If not, with all due respect, you don't know what they're about and what they intend to do: In a nutshell, Norquist, the primary architect of the 21st century Republicans, learned from the '64 convention, wherein the Republicans lost because they did not understand that the media age was upon them and they must cultivate it rather than fight it. Norquist believes also that government is broken. He comes from the ol' smaller is better federal government school, and both he and Rove believe wholeheartedly in the Robber Baron model of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Anyone who has witnessed what has occurred in the last eight years and doesn't realize that is fooling themselves. Norquist also believes the system beyond redemption, and he has stated in no uncertain terms, that what must be done is to drive the government into the ground, bankrupt it and force a new start - You don't really think this bullshit in Iraq is about honor and democracy, do you? This year's budget shortfall will easily top a half a trillion dollars - Got that? Half a trillion, just this year. Dick Cheney, AKA the Anti-Christ; do you think he was chosen because he's a great leader and engaging politician? They win because they do things with demographics and micro-targeting that are essentially grass roots efforts, and they work: The people who flock to them are the folks who call stock car racing a 'sport' - Capiche?
The Democrats have been ineffective since the horrible '68 convention - They fractured as a party right there in front of God and everyone and they have never recovered - Doubt that fact? Then consider that no Democratic Presidential candidate since has won a popular national election with even 50% of the vote, and only one has garnered 2 terms in a row. When the conservative southern elements were rejected, and the intellectual intelligentsia was rejected, and the party stood behind the anemic ticket of Humphrey and Muskie, and Wallace split off as an independent, the party was done in national politics, and nothing but folly and chance has won them an election since.
Barrack may have the stones to win, I hope so, but again, if you beleive that race is not a factor in the minds of the average American, you're fooling yourself. Little blue haired ladies come into Monica's store and parrot the bullshit about him being a secret Muslim, and how if we vote for him, they'll all being wearing burkas in 2 years...
Now if that's not ignorance, what do you call it?
Now do you understand why I am pessemistic?
Right on to your politics my friend. You forgot to mention Sarah, aka grand dragon of the KKK, - who has "palanized" the american woman and turned them to "palanites."
Oy, when you're right, you're right - I think I was secretly so traumatized by her ineptitude and shallowness that I just forgot to include her...
I too am disheartened by McCain's selection of Ms. Palin, and Mr. Rove's spinning of her qualifications. Rove dissed Tim Kaine of Virginia as a possible VP candidate because he had been mayor of the "105th largest city" in the US and had been governor of Virginia for only 3 years. Then he immediately turns around and praises Palin for having been mayor of "the second largest" city in Alaska (which, BTW, Wasilla is not), and she is governor of "the largest state," which, BTW, is home to very few humans.
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